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Alcohol Abuse
Recovering from alcohol abuse requires more than just admitting you have a
problem. While many physical and psychological afflictions are often
alleviated with a simple, single medication, alcoholism is certainly not
one of those situations.
Alcohol abuse can take many forms. It is generally defined as an addiction
to alcohol, be it beer, wine, liquor, or other forms, but if you can not
get through a day or a few days without consuming alcohol just to feel
okay, much less good, then you are possibly someone suffering abuse of the
Not all individuals suffering this are ‘raging drunks’ either. In fact,
many people suffering addiction to alcohol are actually high-functioning
addicts, meaning they get through their normal daily routines just fine,
despite their abuse. Sometimes, the addiction is actually enough of a
stress reliever that it is in fact how the person copes with the
difficulties of life and it is what empowers them to deal with their
responsibilities. So, for some, alcohol abuse is enabling, rather than
something that cripples them.
Sufferers do tend to break down into three categories about where they are
in terms of their disease or malady. The first group thinks what they are
doing is just fine. The second group might rationally know they have an
issue, but are still compelled to do it. The third group has accepted both
rationally and emotionally that they have to change.
Intervention and education can sometimes help the first two groups, but it
is the third and final group that is most likely to seek out help and
assistance on their own. Fortunately, nearly every community now has
programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and other programs available to help out
those seeking sobriety and a clean lifestyle.
That’s the part that’s possibly most difficult for someone looking to leave
abuse of alcohol behind must face. It’s not just quitting something and
never looking back, as it is in fact a total overhaul of a person’s
lifestyle. Do note however that it does not have to follow the path often
represented in movies, television, and books of going to AA meetings
regularly for years on end.
Alcohol Detox
While AA is a tremendously successful approach to alcohol abuse and
certainly something that an afflicted individual should consider, there is
also counseling that can be done, as well as in-patient and out-patient
rehabilitation centers. A person with health insurance might have options
available to them only open to members of that plan, and even individual
houses of worship sometimes have ministries or programs for their members.
Many communities offer local services that can vary in how they help people
and what they offer.
Alcohol abuse is something that millions of people suffer. Some do it very
openly, trashing their lives and proving themselves quite a negative
influence on those around them. Others actually do it very quietly,
suffering in silence and using it as a coping technique to get through
life. In either case, those that want help can find it in many forms.
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